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Preap Sovath
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Preap Sovath | |
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Background information | |
Born | February 27, 1972 ![]() |
Genre(s) | Cambodian Music (various genres of music) |
Occupation(s) | Singer, Actor |
Years active | 1992 - Present |
Label(s) | Rasmey Hang Meas Production |
Preap Sovath (ព្រាប សុវត្ថិ) (also spelled Preap Savat) (born February 27, 1972) is known as the most popular singer in Cambodia today. He records for Cambodian production company Rasmey Hang Meas, generally regarded as Cambodia's most progressive recording label.
Preap Sovath performs the style of music known as "Khmer Karaoke", the name derives from the fact that most sales are of VCDs rather than CDs and all VCD film clips come with karaoke-style subtitled lyrics.
Preap Sovath generally eschews strictly traditional Khmer songs and musical styles, instead his music appeals directly to Cambodia's youth. He is arguably the most popular performer on Cambodia's many televised anthology-style live concert programmes and holds residencies at Phnom Penh's most fashionable upscale nightclubs.
[edit] Best of the Best: Live Concert
Best of the Best: Live Concert is a concert performed at a football(soccer) stadium by all the present Cambodian singers from RHM. This occurs annually and it's known to start in 2004. Preap Sovath is one of the main performers in this concert. It is not rare to see fans climb onto stage and give the performers gifts, or ask for an autograph or picture. The concert is also free to the public, the company profit gains are from sales of the DVD or CD that is sold soon afterwards in Cambodia and overseas.
[edit] Visit to the United States
In 2006, Preap Sovath & some other singers from Cambodia came to the United States & performed in some concerts. One of these concerts was in a restaurant. The places he traveled to are:
(Not in any order)
Admission to the door was $50 per person.
14 Fantastic Response/s:
if m not wrong, there has also been an article about chet sovan panha in Wiki.
you are a friend of preap sovat?
Mango: really? oh so she's pretty famous, cant find sovanna reach or nisa te...
Longdy: what makes you come up of such question?
err, i think wiki is not that updates sos! :P haha... now it's Sovannareach, the most famous one, i think. To be honest, i'm one of the fans! :D i love his songs!
yeah...i agree icebreaker.
Sovannreach is getting to the top right now.I'm his fan too.
heheh, yeah, many pp esp young adult like his song so much now!
I meant to ask if you are the FAN, not the FReind, of him!!! sorry!!! just knew about the mistake after visiting the post again!!
Well, Icebreaker, I wish Hang Meas stop copying others, and commit to produce their own orginal songs. Sovannreach would be even cooler singing his own orginal song.
oo oh...I wanna fine you Longdy for making this big mistake!
Yeah, I wish they stop copying style u know. haha, i prefer Rock Entertainment :) haha they compose their own music and rhythm! that's nice, but sometimes still i listen to Hang Meas cuz the songs are so nice. i'm not negative or anything, as u can see, those translated or so-called copied songs are so nice, aren't they?
yeah I cant deny that those copied songs are nice. Their video clips are great as well, with many wonderful views. Songs from Rock are not bad as well...James is my favourite singer from that production.U?
we should admit that the copied songs are nice. Had it not been so, it'd not be so famous haha.. Oh yeah? He's also my favourite singer u know. Lately I like his song called Regret haha... sounds very sweet and nice!! :) glad to know that you and I have same preference in music! hehehe....
yeah...so that u can lend me their CD albums. I havent had even one.
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